Friday, April 22, 2011

Marina inunidated

Sunset Marina is now almost entirely inundated. The only dry areas are around the apartment/restroom building, some of the grassed area where the hardstand used to sit and some of the main marina building housing the office, canvas shop, workshop and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Station.

The area of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Station, canvas shop and part of the office are surrounded by a steel barrier covered with plastic and sandbagged around the base. Even though the water level around these areas is 4 to 6 inches higher than the floors, inside the barrier it still is dry as the barrier does its job with the help of several sump pumps.

Marina employees now are on duty 24 hours a day, running the boat owners' shuttle from 3 to 8 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and checking the pumps to make sure they are working.

Outside the marina in Sunset Park the water has reduced the size of the park considerably. The small parking lot across from the entrance to the marina has been reduced in size by a third and Sunset Drive is covered by water from the parking lot north. The bike path along the east edge of the park is open as far north as the parking lots across from the east launching ramp where it is flooded by water from the slough on the east.

One walker on the path said he saw two fox kits about the size of a cat playing next to the path. His dog and the kits stood staring at each other for a while before they decided to head to their den.

From the look of the graph on the Quad-Cities Online home page it looks like it will be quite a while before the water recedes to the tops of the banks.

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